What is the difference between the different types of neurotoxins?

Let us review the 4 different types of neurotoxins on the market.
Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau and Xeomin.
They all have the same main ingredient: Botulinum Toxin Type A.
So what’s the difference?
The difference lies within the associated protein complex. Protein complexes are added to change the way our body expresses the effects of botulinum toxin type A, or muscle relaxation. The bigger the protein complex the longer it takes for your body to be able to get to the botulinum toxin (how long it takes to kick in) and the longer it takes to work through. So one way to look at this is to think of the associated protein complexes as security guards.
Let’s visit the difference between the current toxins on the market.
Botox: I like to think of Botox as they went out and found only the biggest security guards (it has the largest protein complex) therefore it takes the longest to kick in but has great longevity. Jeuveau has similar protein complexes but doesn’t seem to last as long as Botox
Dyport: I think of Dysport as the toxin that did not discriminate. It has a mixture of large and medium protein complexes. The medium protein complexes allow the toxin to kick in quicker but still have the same longevity or more longevity then Botox. In fact it has the highest longevity.
Xeomin: Xeomin is easy. It has no associated protein complexes. It is pure botulinum toxin type A. Which means it kicks in the quickest of all the neuromodulators but on the downside it usually doesn’t last as long as all the other neuromodulators. Xeomin is great for anyone who has developed a resistance to Botox.